Different circumstances when wisdom tooth removal becomes necessary

Wisdom teeth are also called “third molars.” They usually begin to emerge from the back of the mouth on both sides of the jaws in late adolescence and early adulthood (between 16 and 25). But do you know that they are the main reason for your dental problems? Yes, you read that right! If they grow strangely or at odds with other teeth below the gums, it can cause difficulty in your mouth.

But when wisdom teeth are healthy and growing properly, they pose no risk to your overall oral health and further damage to your mouth. Thus, having wisdom teeth in your mouth can be beneficial or life-threatening, depending on their position and condition.

However, in this article, we have listed different circumstances under which you should visit your nearest dentist for wisdom tooth extraction.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Reasons

Often, wisdom teeth do not grow properly, which causes other problems, including:

  • Jaw damage

Sometimes wisdom teeth stay completely hidden in the gums and cannot grow normally, so they get trapped in your jawbone, which can lead to infection or damage to the jawbone or the roots of the teeth.

  • Inflamed gums

When wisdom teeth partially emerge from the gums, they create a passage for bacteria. In addition, this area is difficult to clean, which causes gum disease and oral infections – plaque and tartar.

However, Wisdom teeth sometimes need to be extracted to eliminate these problems and avoid expensive and uncomfortable root canals and filling procedures.

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  • Damage to nearby teeth

If wisdom teeth don’t have sufficient surface area to grow properly, they can pile up or damage neighboring teeth. Also, it causes pressure which weakens and loosens the roots of neighboring teeth and leaves the teeth prone to cavities and bone loss.

  • Sinus Issues

Wisdom tooth in the mouth can create a type of sinus difficulty, including putting pressure on sinuses. These problems mainly arise when teeth emerge on the upper jaw. Although this problem does not occur frequently, wisdom teeth can sometimes also lead to pain, headaches, and congestion.

Also, as per the “American Dental Association,” Wisdom tooth sometimes needs to be extracted if you experience:

  • Pain
  • Tumors
  • Repeated infection
  • Fluid-filled sacs (cysts)
  • Pain in the cheeks and jaw
  • Periodontitis
  • Overcrowding
  • Bad taste and breath
  • Tooth decay
  • Difficulty opening your mouth

However, the choice to eliminate wisdom teeth is not always clear, as it depends on your teeth, their direction, and the space left for them in your mouth. If you experience any problem in your mouth, contact your oral surgeon or dentist and discuss what is best for your condition and can help you know the truth behind the problem.

Aftercare Tips

If you have had your wisdom teeth extracted, it is necessary to maintain good oral hygiene and follow the tips below:

  • Immediately after tooth extraction, do not rinse your mouth for the first 24 hours.
  • Eat only soft or liquid food on the day of tooth extraction and the next day.
  • Use caution when brushing and flossing, and avoid teeth and gums near the extraction opening.
  • After the first 24 hours, rinse the plug gently with lukewarm saltwater after meals and before going to bed. You can repeat the procedure for at least five days after the extraction.
  • Do not smoke or use tobacco products.

However, the healing process for a wisdom tooth is different for everyone. Some people can get back to their normal life in a few days; others need a week or more to be at their best. If at any point you find that your tooth is not healing properly, see your dentist immediately.

Hire a Professional Dentist for Help!

Wisdom teeth don’t always cause dental health problems; some people don’t even have wisdom teeth. So, if you are lucky enough not to have a third molar, you can avoid removing those teeth.

Still, confuse with your molars? Ask your oral surgeon to know the problem with your teeth. In many cases, you can wait several months to see if things change before making your decision. But if you feel pain or notice swelling or a bad smell near your back teeth, it might be time to take a second look.

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