GRE Exam Prep: Top Mistakes Candidates Should Avoid

If you are a candidate for Graduate Record Examination or GRE exam then you should not take this test lightly in any way. You have no idea how many people sit in this exam. If you want to get flying colours in this test, you must invest in the ways that are flawless and effective for your prep and performance both.

Remember that this is a significant exam for your future and if you make silly mistakes during your gre exam preparation, it can have a great negative impact on your performance and the eventual results. So, it would be best if you did not make the mistakes this post shares with you and you definitely will get good scores.

Procrastination is a killer

If you are in a habit of waiting for the perfect day to study or do the task, then you are digging a grave for yourself. If you wait till the last minute to begin your GRE prep is like a big mistake. You have to understand that it is one test that demands your constant preparation. You have to be sure that you start your study well in time to have sufficient time to absorb all the concepts and syllabus for performing well on the test day. If you simply dump a lot of information in your mind just before the test, it would instead create chaos.

Dodging the Official GRE Materials

If you are depending solely on third-party preparation materials then it can be detrimental. You should know that ETS or Educational Testing Service offers the candidates official GRE resources, encompassing proper practice tests and comprehensive materials that imitate the exam.  

No planning at all 

If you don’t have a clear and crisp study plan for your preparation, it is a big threat to your productivity. Being a candidate for a GRE test, you must understand that such a thing leads to your failure or doom in the test. Try to create a study schedule, set particular goals, and assign time for each section of this GRE. Come on, your plan is like a good companion that keeps you on track and ensures you study regularly for this test.

 Neglecting English Vocabulary

GRE Verbal Reasoning is something that massively puts pressure on vocabulary. Unable to build a robust vocabulary can massively hamper your performance. Dedicate your time to learning and even reviewing GRE-specific type of words.

Dodging Time Management

You have to understand that time is restricted on the GRE, and if you manage time poorly, it can lead to incomplete sections and even lower levels of scores. Try to practice pacing yourself during the time of practice tests to make sure that you develop practical time management strategies. Of course, what is the point if you are excellent at solving questions and have knowledge, but your speed of solving them is very slow? Such a thing can mar your performance.

Varying Practice

You have to understand that consistency is the main ingredient of GRE success. Make sure that you try avoiding cramming or long breaks between study sessions. If you do regular practice, it will help reinforce your skills. Come on, when you are prudent about your constant test prep gre, you experience positive results.

Missing out on Math Fundamentals

You should know that brushing up on basic math skills is a must for you if you want to deal with this section well in the test. Remember that GRE Math problems may appear to be complex, but they most of the times test fundamental concepts. Ensure you have a robust foundation in arithmetic, even algebra, and overall geometry.

Unable to simulate Test Conditions

Undergoing practice tests in conditions that vary from the actual exam can be misleading. Try to ensure that you practice under timed, test-like conditions to construct proper familiarity and confidence.

Abandoning Essay Writing

You should know that the GRE encompasses Analytical Writing tasks. Neglecting essay practice can simply be harmful. Make sure you work on your essay writing skills and even practice analysing arguments productively.

Too much dependency on One Section

You have to understand this because many candidates make this mistake. If you are concentrating solely on your strongest section and simply neglecting the other areas, it ends up in an imbalanced score. Make sure that you dedicate adequate time to enhance your all sections. To do well in the test entirely, you have to be good at all the areas.

Missing out on Official GRE Score Percentiles

Try to acquaint yourself with the GRE score percentiles for your desired or wanted programs. Make sure that you do not aim for an arbitrary score. Try to strive to be competitive in your area or field. This way you can perform better and achieve what you seek.

Undervaluing Stress Management

Indeed, you should know that your stress is dangerous for you, and you must manage it. Test anxiety can negatively impact your performance. Try to practice relaxation techniques and even mindfulness to ensure that you do stay calm and concentrate during the exam. Indeed, when you are well-focussed and have hardly any stress, you find yourself a better place. you prepare well and perform better with a light mind.

Not doing revision 

Come on, no matter how hard you have worked on your prep or how much knowledge you have acquired; if you don’t revise, you may end up having a messy pile of data on your mind. Yes, you have to ensure that the knowledge you have attained during all these months or weeks for your exam are well-sorted in your mind. Revision brings clarity in your mind regarding the gathered data in your mind. Hence, you don’t get confused when solving questions in exam on the test day.


To sum up, these were the commonest yet important mistakes that many candidates make when they prepare for GRE. Come on, you have to ensure you make no such mistakes. Also, try to use the platforms like Jamboree education and ensure you have quality assistance and material on your side.