What Is Concurrent Audit?

Are you curious to know what is concurrent audit? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about concurrent audit in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is concurrent audit?

Concurrent audit is a type of audit that is conducted on an ongoing basis. It is a continuous and systematic review of financial transactions, operations, and processes to identify any irregularities, errors, or discrepancies that may occur. In this blog, we will explore what concurrent audit is, why it is important, and how it is conducted.

What Is Concurrent Audit?

Concurrent audit is a real-time audit that is performed alongside regular business operations. It is usually conducted by an independent auditor who has been appointed by the management of the organization. The auditor reviews financial transactions, operations, and processes as they occur to ensure that they are in compliance with laws, regulations, and company policies.

The primary objective of concurrent audit is to detect and prevent fraud, errors, and irregularities that may occur during business operations. By identifying potential issues in real-time, the auditor can provide immediate feedback to the management, allowing them to take corrective action quickly.

Why Is Concurrent Audit Important?

Concurrent audit is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps organizations to detect and prevent fraud and errors in real-time, reducing the risk of financial losses. Secondly, it provides management with timely feedback, allowing them to take corrective action before issues become more significant problems. Finally, concurrent audit helps organizations to ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and company policies.

Concurrent audit is particularly important for organizations that operate in high-risk industries, such as banking, finance, and insurance. These organizations handle large amounts of money, making them vulnerable to fraud and errors. Concurrent audit can help to mitigate these risks, reducing the likelihood of financial losses.

How Is Concurrent Audit Conducted?

Concurrent audit is typically conducted by an independent auditor who has been appointed by the management of the organization. The auditor works closely with the management to identify areas of the business that are high risk and require closer scrutiny.

The auditor then reviews financial transactions, operations, and processes on an ongoing basis. They may use a variety of tools and techniques to gather and analyze data, including data analytics software, interviews with employees, and observation of business operations.

The auditor provides regular feedback to the management, highlighting any issues or areas of concern. The management then takes corrective action to address these issues and prevent them from recurring.


In conclusion, concurrent audit is a real-time audit that is conducted alongside regular business operations. It is an important tool for organizations to detect and prevent fraud, errors, and irregularities that may occur during business operations. Concurrent audit provides management with timely feedback, allowing them to take corrective action quickly. It is particularly important for organizations that operate in high-risk industries, such as banking, finance, and insurance. By conducting concurrent audits, organizations can ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and company policies, and reduce the risk of financial losses.


What Is The Difference Between An Internal Audit And A Concurrent Audit?

Internal Auditors do not express an opinion on the entity’s financial statements. Concurrent Audit: Concurrent audit is a systematic and timely examination of financial transactions on a regular basis to ensure accuracy, authenticity, and compliance with procedures and guidelines.

Who Needs A Concurrent Audit?

A financial entity requires continuous monitoring of transactions. For an entity like a bank, the review mechanism must be robust and unabating. Hence the need for a concurrent audit.

What Is Concurrent Audit Under The Law?

concurrent audit as being “an examination which is contemporaneous with the occurrence of transactions or is carried out as near thereto as possible. It attempts to shorten the interval between a transaction and its examination by an independent person.”

What Is Concurrent Audit Vs Continuous Audit?

Concurrent audit is performed at predecided intervals by the management according to their requirement. For example; at the end of every month; the auditors’ team would come and they will conduct the audit. Continuous audit is performed regularly i.e. almost every day it is conducted.


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What Is Concurrent Audit In Bank

What Is The Meaning Of Concurrent Audit?

What Is Meant By Concurrent Audit

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Concurrent Audit Checklist Excel

Concurrent Audit Vs Statutory Audit

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Why do banks need a concurrent audit?