Methods of mindfulness education in school

Education, in general, is about learning academic subjects and also life skills. Every step in their life involves learning about something new. Recently, students have learned a lot about fitness logs through the digital awakening super instant use of LMS portals and other websites over the Internet to avail classes.

Accordingly, an ERP for school is set to prepare a child entirely for their life and future career goals. Teaching mindfulness in institutions helps students efficiently learn about such things. 

Meaning of mindfulness

Most students learn about subjects unconsciously, simply mugging it up or learning it and understanding the topic for the sake of passing examinations and answering questions in the classroom. Having a sense of mindfulness is being conscious of why they are learning about the topic, how they can apply the knowledge from this in real life, and the importance of this topic in the process of their education.

Mindfulness is important in all students, especially at the junior levels because this is the age where they start developing consciousness towards the world as a whole.

Here are some great ways to promote mindfulness among students;

Prompting questions

As soon as the teacher begins class, they should start asking questions or going through quick bullet points about the subject or topic they had studied previously. This is the rule according to most ERPs for school. Although it sounds very effective, not every child is interested in doing this activity. Teachers need to first grab the attention of the students for which the children need to calm down. They can try practicing some meditation or other light warmup exercises. According to some research, when students practice taking some time out for their minds before the class begins, they collect themselves and prepared themselves for the class and all the questions the teacher has to ask.

Prompting questions is useful, only when the students are in the right state of mind to answer them.

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Mental breaks

Every child needs some time for the mind. Hour-long classes are very difficult to attend because teachers try to jam-pack as much about the topic as possible so that students can also practice these topics back at home and are prepared rather quickly for their upcoming examinations. In the process of doing this, educators might lose their attention at some point in time. To grab and bring bread to their attention they need to give the students some time for a mental break.

This mental break should be completely peaceful and quiet so that they can focus on how they are going to recover from this great amount of information they’ve just received in the session. Some great ways of having a mental break are looking outside into nature or having a quick walk around the classroom, or simply sitting down with their eyes closed.

Finger breathing technique

Finger breathing allows students to have a visual idea of focusing on their breathing. It is very simple, students use the direction of their fingers or sometimes the entire pump in slow upward and downward movements. Upward movement directs them to breathe in and a similar slow downward movement directs breathing out. This breathing technique has been used for centuries by people of all times to promote and create mindfulness in them. Teachers can try and host finger breathing classes.

The internal rhythm

If you sit quietly in one place and listen to the noises around you, you will soon be able to focus on the internal rhythm of your beating heart and pulses too. This is the internal rhythm of a person. All the important pulse rhythms can be found around the areas of a person’s heart, neck, jaw, and wrist. Teachers can ask students to focus on their pulse, or even feel the vibrations of their voice on the neck and in the chest while talking to sink in with this rhythm. A realization and consciousness about the inner self, and how life flows through us helps in the promotion of mindfulness.

Mindful snacks

Food is a stimulating factor because students can see, touch, feel, eat and smell it. It is a great item that makes use of all the sense organs of a person, hence snacks are considered to be extremely mindful. These snacks should, however, be healthy and not just junk food munched in between classes to curb desire more than hunger.

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